FEEL IT...The magic of classical music is ALIVE! 

Did you ever want to go deeper into the beauty, mystery and inspiration inside the music of Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt and more?

Join me on a rhapsodic journey of the soul as we break open this glorious music and pour out the riches.

Beholding is a unique video series and live event.

Experience a journey of the spirit that takes you into the world of Frederick Chopin and King David, two of the greatest musicians in history.

Although both lived nearly 2000 years apart they shared a fascinating connection—

They wrote their greatest works while in isolation- in holding patterns of their own.

King David was a powerful, beloved hero, who had conquered the giant Goliath,

but Now found himself anguished, weak and hiding in a cave while being hunted down by a jealous rival. An unexpected holding pattern.



While in 1838 the 28 year old Frederick Chopin, celebrated pianist and composer who had taken the musical capital of Paris by storm, left France to winter on the island of Mallorca.

Instead of sunshine and peace, he suffered extreme stress.

The bitter cold rain, inhospitable living conditions, suspicious villagers all triggered his tuberculosis. He was exiled to a cold 14th century monastery cell all the while coughing up blood. In his letters he referred to this as a coffin.

What was it about the desperate isolation that prompted such great music…such outbursts of the heart…such purely intimate expression?

While in dramatic holding patterns of their own—-they refused to wither and die…

Instead they blossomed to a new life filled with deeper connection and meaning, using their art as a vessel.

King David, bore the lyrical Psalms and Frederick Chopin his transcendent Preludes Op. 28.

Who will you become in your holding pattern? How will music hold you in your becoming?

BEHOLD!! A new thing has come!